Today's Real-time Exchange Rate

1 USD =

7.3396 CNY

Reverse rate: 1 CNY = 0.1362 USD   Update time: 2025-01-17 08:02:31


Bank of China Foreign Exchange Rates
(For 100 units of foreign currency to RMB,2025.01.18 00:06:50)

Currency Name Spot
Buying Rate Selling Rate Middle Rate
AED 198.11 200.91 197.25
CHF 798.43 804.61 792.99
DKK 100.66 101.46 99.82
EUR 751.34 756.85 745.62
GBP 889.86 896.47 885.57
HKD 93.96 94.34 92.3
INR 8.4731
JPY 4.6733 4.7094 4.67
MOP 91.22 91.64 89.57
MYR 162.06 163.52 160.79
NOK 63.94 64.46 63.75
NZD 408.89 411.97 407.95
PHP 12.42 12.68 12.54
SAR 193.94 196.68 193.1
SEK 65.41 65.93 64.96
SGD 534.15 538.17 529.33
TRY 19.17 22.05 20.41
TWD 22.29
USD 731.41 734.49 718.89
ZAR 38.96 39.41 38.4
