The exchange rate between the USD and the NOK on 2025-01-24 is 11.2752
Here is the exchange rate between USD and NOK!
1 USD=11.2752 NOK
10 USD=112.752 NOK
50 USD=563.76 NOK
100 USD=1127.52 NOK
500 USD=5637.6 NOK
1000 USD=11275.2 NOK
10000 USD=112752 NOK
1 NOK can be exchanged for 0.0887 USD
1 NOK=0.0887 USD
10 NOK=0.887 USD
50 NOK=4.435 USD
100 NOK=8.87 USD
1000 NOK=88.7 USD
The above is the exchange rate between USD and NOK today!